Monday, November 26, 2007


Hi ! my name is Gillian, my name is spelled with a G but sounds like a J. I'm 11 1/2 years old and I've been cooking since I was two years old. When I was about two years old I woke up on a Saturday morning and my brother was hungry so what would any two year old do? I went into the fridge and I took out the bread and the cream cheese. Then I went into the freezer and I took out the chocolate chips. I put the cream cheese on the bread and I sprinkled the chocolate chips over the cream cheese. I made one for my brother and one for me and then I went into my parents' room and I said to my parents do you want one? and my mom woke up and said what are you talking about? And I showed her the sandwich. Now I told you about myself.

1 comment:

Gillian said...

Hey Gil-
I think this is great. This will be a great place to share your thoughts, interests and passion for cooking and other things. You can post your poems if you like. This is your special spot. Just make sure not to post any info that too personal. I love you and will help you anyway you like. Make this your own special place. To help make it special, we bought you Now you can get to your blog by typing in this URL.
I can't wait to read your blog.
Love you.